
I contacted Sarah to help me with what had become a debilitating, panic-inducing fear of flying. It has now been almost six months since I had my last session, and EMDR has been an incredible help to me. The whole process was intense but gentle at the same time. Sarah patiently uncovered where my fears came from and it was amazing to experience how they gradually dissipated over the course of 8 sessions. When I went on a flight this summer for the first time since the therapy, as if by magic I had none of the usual heart palpitations, sweaty palms, near panic attacks or nightmare scenarios playing in my mind. I sat in my seat and tried to recall how it felt to be afraid of flying, but I couldn’t remember or recreate the feeling at all. EMDR is so subtle but has really quite remarkable effects.  


At the start of the therapy Sarah explained how it worked and I felt immediately at ease with her. We worked together and Sarah guided me through each step with great care and warmth. 

My sessions are now complete and I feel so happy, relaxed, positive and, above all, free of all the terrible feelings and memories which had been consuming me and holding me back. 

Sarah has been amazing and I’m so thankful to have been encouraged to contact her, I thoroughly recommend her .


I was in a head on car crash and to help with the trauma I spoke to Sarah Brown to see if EMDR could help. I can honestly say it was exhausting, but a revelation, within 6 sessions I was talking about the whole incident calmly and without getting upset. I ended up having 12 sessions in total. Sarah Brown for me was absolutely tremendous, her attitude, understanding and ultimately her professionalism would make me not hesitate to recommend her.

Thank You Thank You Thank You.


I came to Sarah as I felt overwhelming anxiety and physical symptoms of panic.

The EMDR therapy helped me understand that the feelings stemmed from past childhood trauma.

I felt very safe with Sarah, who is an experienced and knowledgable therapist. 

I trusted her and so was able to be open. The lovely treatment room was soothing and cosy and quiet.

I learnt techniques which I can use daily to self soothe. The EMDR treatment felt like it was sweeping away pain and difficulties so that I could move forward with my life.

I feel stronger and much more able to function without the debilitating feelings of anxiety. I have had talking therapy in the past which also was significant. However I feel that I no longer need to unpick the past and understand it.  

Elizabeth G

“For over 20 years I have struggled with depression and anxiety – due to a number of things that happened in my past. When I first came to Sarah, was at a point in my life where I had tried all the traditional routes to improve my mental health (including medication, CBT and counselling – both NHS and private) and nothing had worked. I have to admit, when I first heard of EMDR I was sceptical. But I I figured it was worth at least trying – and Sarah came highly recommended. 

I always felt comfortable in my EMDR sessions with Sarah. I felt like she really listened to me and never judged or criticised (unlike some of the previous therapists I have seen!) On a practical level, I loved that I could do the sessions on Zoom – it meant I didn’t have to travel and I could do the sessions from the comfort of my own home. 

It was a slow process, as I had a lot to work through. But we steadily worked through each traumatic memory and, as we did, I began to see a clear improvement in my mental health. ‘Black days’ became fewer and further between – and less severe. I began to feel more positive and started to have far more ‘good days’ and I stopped playing past memories over and over in my mind. I now I feel more hopeful about the future and less ‘trapped’ by my past. Thank you Sarah – I only wish I’d found you sooner!”


I had suffered a lot of trauma and before engaging the help of Sarah Brown for EMDR, I had accepted that the weight of carrying the trauma was the new normal. My focus and enthusiasm for life was significantly clouded and felt a depth of negativity. I had believed this was how life was going to be going forward. Sarah helped me work through each trauma and process it.

She was patient and ensured nothing was left uncovered.The EMDR that is one of Sarah’s specialisms, through time, allowed a light to start to shine and the weight of the trauma slowly lift. She helped me begin to live a life again whereby I am not living in the trauma but in the present and enjoying life. I cannot describe how it feels to love even the simple things in life again and that is down to Sarah and I would without hesitation recommend her.


“Sarah was a huge support through the early months of my marriage breakup. I wanted to confront all sorts of issues from my past and together we worked through them. On days when I was too emotional to work on those things she was supportive and allowed me to just share what had happened that day or that week. With her help I made many connections between past events and my present, allowing me to see things in a new light. Sarah has given me the tools and foundation to continue to heal.”


“Sarah helped me to turn a corner and heal. Throughout our time she was thoughtful, gentle and sensitive. With her help, I started the process of recognising, understanding and dealing with words, judgements and problems that had been put upon me by others throughout my life. She helped me to see value in myself, address past wrongs and redefine healthier relationship boundaries. She is a much needed harbour in a very rough life storm.”


“Therapy with Sarah has been a life changing experience. Through her knowledge and toolkit of therapeutic skills and resources, I have been able to work through childhood trauma which was having a big impact on my day to day life. Sarah’s expertise and professional conduct enabled me to process these experiences so they no longer impact in the same way. I feel like I have myself back and am no longer burdened by the same distressing patterns which impacted on my functioning. This was a long and at times difficult process however Sarah’s commitment (alongside my own) and her warm professional manner meant I felt safe to be able to complete this much needed and life changing work. I would definitely recommend Sarah alongside EMDR and trauma therapy to anyone who is needing support in recovery.”


“Sarah provided a relaxed, non pressurised environment that really helped me to open up and discuss my issues with her. She helped me to really see where the underlying problems were and why I had been reacting the way I was. She was kind and understanding throughout and thanks to her I’ve really managed to get my life and relationships back on track.”
